Basement Update

On Monday we were impacted by the rains and Monday afternoon and Tuesday were days of quick remediation and analysis of what damage occurred.

Classroom 10F will be operational starting on Tuesday but will be cordoned off from any other locations. We are working hard to bring 10G back on line but probably another 1 ½ weeks to go.

The shelving office area and basement copier services we are hoping to also have back on-line and available by Tuesday.

Unfortunately the collections in the basement will be inaccessible for a while. Our vendor will be working hard to get us back up and going soon but please be patient.

While the collections in the basement are inaccessible, Interlibrary Loan can be used to obtain journal articles, gov docs, or micro-materials that we own but can’t access.

Posted on January 12th, 2012 by and filed under Announcements | Comments Off on Basement Update

Flooding in the Library

As you are aware the weather has had a tremendous impact on the UH Campus and surrounding areas.  With that being said, the Library experienced some flooding within the basement area and had to close off till further notice.  Due to the efforts of UH Operations, they have requested that they be allowed to shut off water supply to the Library in hopes of stopping further infiltration.

The Library Administration has granted that request and so we will be shutting off all water which includes closing all restrooms.

We will remain open till 5:45 as planned but again any restrooms will not be available.

We appreciate your understanding and allowing us to address this issue as best as possible.  We hope that tomorrow all areas, with the exception of the basement, will once again be operational like normal.

Posted on January 9th, 2012 by and filed under Announcements | Comments Off on Flooding in the Library