POWER INTERRUPTION, Saturday, March 20th

There will be a brief interruption to building power on Saturday, March 20th, some time between 3-4pm. The interruption is expected to be momentary, but all computers in the building will shut down. Please read posted notices in the building and listen for the announcement which will give the actual time for the power interruption.

As always, users are cautioned to save their work frequently, and to complete tasks before the power interruption. We expect users to be able to resume normal work following the power interruption.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.


Lee Andrew Hilyer, MLIS, M.Ed.
Head of Information and Access Services

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Posted on March 17th, 2010 by Lee Andrew Hilyer and filed under Building Announcments | Comments Off on POWER INTERRUPTION, Saturday, March 20th